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  • Innovations in Solar Energy
    October 19, 2021

    Innovations in Solar Energy

    Solar energy is a natural resource that can be harnessed and conserved to power up our homes, schools, and cities. With the introduction of new technologies in the last few years, solar energy has been undergoing exciting changes with innovation...

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  • What are the Two Types of Solar Energy?
    September 12, 2021

    What are the Two Types of Solar Energy?

    Solar Energy is energy derived from the sun, captured by a series of ever-changing technologies, including solar photovoltaic energy, solar thermal power, solar architecture, solar heat energy, and photovoltaic solar power systems. The Benefits of Solar Energy Solar energy has...

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  • The Usefulness of Solar Energy
    September 10, 2021

    The Usefulness of Solar Energy

    Utilities such as electricity, gas, and natural gas have been the backbone of most utility bills for many years, but what if you could use the sun to power all of your utilities with absolutely no cost to you? The...

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  • Features of Solar Energy
    August 11, 2021

    Features of Solar Energy

    Solar energy is a form of renewable and clean energy that doesn't create emissions. It's a popular choice for homes and businesses because it's inexpensive to install, produces more electricity than the household needs during daylight hours, and can heat...

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  • The History of Solar Energy
    August 4, 2021

    The History of Solar Energy

    Solar energy is not new, having been around since ancient times. Scientists have discovered that as early as 1 million years ago, some species of birds and insects used sunlight to warm their eggs or maintain high body temperatures so...

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