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Where To Place Landscape Lights – Functional and Decorative

Where To Place Landscape Lights – Functional and Decorative

There are many reasons for selecting to illuminate a property with landscape lighting, both decorative and functional.

When deciding where to place landscape lights, first consider the following objectives:

  • Security and enhancement
  • Darken unwanted light from windows and prevent break-ins
  • Increase security by restricting access to dark areas of the property
  • Brighten areas around fixtures to improve mood and create a more relaxed space
  • Provide safety by limiting access to potentially dangerous or unstable areas
  • Improving the property appearance by improving landscaping and color scheme


Where To Place Landscape Lights

Landscape lighting can be installed on the ground, over patios, in-ground and outdoor pools. There is no need to limit this type of lighting where there is already inadequate outdoor lighting. One of the most effective uses for outdoor landscape lighting is in outdoor decks and walkways to create a safe entry and provide an ambiance with soft lighting that will help relax guests.

Another popular area for outdoor landscape lighting is at the base of trees and bushes. Installing motion sensor lights near the top of trees and bushes will also help reduce unexpected visitors who may be wandering into your property at night.


How to Properly Use Landscape Lights

big house with a pool and lights turned on with chairs

If you have a courtyard or large yard surrounding your house and want to make it a bit more user-friendly, you can use landscape lighting to increase the usable area. A few ways that you could utilize landscape lighting would be to light up the pathway, or if you have steps leading down to your front door, these steps can benefit from some light at the bottom of the steps.

You could also use lights to illuminate your entire backyard. It depends on what you would be looking for in the yard and where you want to put them. Here are a few things to keep in mind when installing landscape lights.


Highlighting Effects of Landscape Lights

If you want to add some color and light to your yard, consider using the landscape lights. These are available in a variety of styles and sizes to meet any need you have. In addition, they come in a variety of colors that can be used for accent and decoration.

Many people choose to use them to create more of an impact rather than replace the light bulb in the light fixtures. This makes it an easy choice to use because they not only provide the necessary lighting but can also help to create other decorative items as well. You can find these lights available at most online stores and most home improvement stores that sell landscaping supplies.


Silhouetting Your Garden With Landscape Lights

silhouette of a house and trees under during a sunset

Using landscape lights to silhouette your garden is one way to significantly improve the beauty and drama of your garden without having to add actual lights. The most common effect of this technique is that it creates a "space" where you would have otherwise had many plants.

These empty spaces are perfect for drawing attention to specific features in your garden, for example, a water feature or the back of your house. But, of course, there are many other reasons to use this landscaping method as well, including the ability to use it to create shadows to hide unsightly nooks and crannies or to give your garden a completely different feel.


The Shadowing Effects of Landscape Lights

Landscape lighting is an essential part of landscaping. There are different types of landscape lights available in the market, creating different moods and effects for your landscaping. The primary function of these landscape lights is to provide security to your house and property.

They also offer the best indirect lumens lighting for your home, which can add beauty and glamor to your exterior space. With the help of such landscape lights, you can add a unique style statement to your property, which can easily stand out from the crowd and complement the different architectural features of your home.

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